Monday, November 16, 2009

Over being home I need to get away again but cant see this happening till after christmas.
Had Samantha's birthday yesterday
cant think of anything else at the moment will update again when i next do something like getaway in the van again LOL

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Being home ??

Too much w&%k to do around here I can tell ya haven't stopped cleaning the yard up, starting to become a PITA

Ned has been busy cleaning the house spring cleaning and stuff like that don't realise how much stuff (junk) accumulates LOL
Anyway enough of that sooner it's cleaned and rubbish taken to dump sooner we might be able to get away again
Heres another pic from our recent WA trip with friends we met in Mt Isa and travelled with into the NT, Ted and Sue
I have posted another pic also of the van and how it looked when we did the bearing and how I had to run it 90klm to Marla SA on 3 wheels
Mmm that last pic didnt do what it was spose to do will work on that

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Finally back home

Hi all we have now arrived home after 8 mths on the rd a trip that we thoroughly enjoyed and to be honest cant wait to get back out there but this will have to wait till after Christmas at this stage.
Whilst being home I will be working on this Blog so I can keep family and friends up to date with our travels when we next getaway.

I'm only a learner at this so give me time LOL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Currently I'm in Adelaide Neds in Marla and I will be flying home to Newcastle on Tuesday.

I left Marla yesterday Morning for the drive thru to Adelaide at 5am arriving in Adelaide hills area around 4pm was a great drive as there wasnt much that slowed me up and at a constant speed of around 115klms an hr the 200 just ate the klms.

5min after I left the caravan at Marla I was just getting upto speed 100klms an hr and I saw a big red kangaroo on the right hand side of the rd and not noticing the one on the left until he hopped out in front of my Bullbar well the sorry to say the roo had to come out 2nd best bullbar paid for it self in 1 second so I'm happy now (I purchased the Arb bar


Friday, July 31, 2009

Ayres rock

Sorry all I forgot to add the addy to the email.

Spent last night at Curtin springs freebie was OK but dusty oh and a carton of 30 cans $63.50 so I didnt buy any

We are currently at Ayres rock resort, rippoff I reckon we will be here for 3 days.

All is going well unfortunately I have to be back in Adelaide by the 11th as I have to fly home for 3 days then we will catch up with Brian and Lis Cocks and my sister when she arrives in SA probably will do a bit around the Flinders

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is the real Kimbo testing here LOL

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


this is kimbos blog